How can Astrology be of therapeutic benefit?

In his book ‘Soul Speaks : The Therapeutic Potential of Astrology’ Mark Jones writes: ‘Insight is the beginning of a journey towards wholeness; indeed, without insight one cannot even begin. But it is the way in which insight is received, digested and metabolized into an individual’s life that is the real key to transformation.’

In our modern society Astrology is mostly associated with horoscopes in magazines which – honestly – should be forbidden. Astrology is an ancient method that deserves to be shown in its depth and preciousness rather than being simplified through stupid horoscopes that have no therapeutic benefit but rather cater the masses. 

The ancient science of Astrology used to be the queen of all sciences before it was downgraded to a pseudo-science. As humanity we are currently going through a challenging period of time in which many people seek advice outside of the box advertised as “normal”. More and more people are therefor searching for answers through different kind of tools to support them going through this transition.

So it must be said that we’ve reached an age where the sacredness of many holistic sciences and arts that have been degraded as “esoteric” or “pseudo-science” is going through an ascension which will assist humanity in one of the greatest challenges we’ve ever had to face.

One wonderful thing about Astrology is that it has the ability to make us remember. Remember our wholeness, where all parts come together as one forming our unique evolutionary path of our soul in order to grow and evolve in consciousness.

So rather than being trapped in fear and paralyzed by what’s coming next, Astrology can help us to deeply look within and remember wo we really are and why we have come to this place called earth. It can reconnect us with our purpose and our inner wisdom – it has the power to sharpen our connection with the cosmos. How?

It’s a complex symbolic language that allows us to understand our soul’s language and the blue print that we brought into this life. Like a lens through which we’re able to interpret the movie of our life. I mean, how cool is that? 

And yet, despite its complexity and depth, Astrology will never be able to reflect the complexity of a human being – reflected through the life lived by the person that comes to the consultation table. But what we as Astrologers can offer through joint work with our clients is an insight which will help to understand the deepest layers of oneself. 

This really is what Therapeutic Astrology is about: A tool that helps you to face your parts – yes, especially the ones that still dwell in the dark and you might not be conscious about. The ones that cause suffering because we haven’t been able to see them clearly in the light of consciousness. But also the ones that bear incredible potential for our future waiting to be freed. 

Seeing all those parts with loving eyes, understanding „Wow, that’s also me“ and integrating this into our everyday lives feels to me like the aim of a good astrological consultation.

#therapeuticastrology #astrology


01.08.23: Full Moon in Aquarius