01.08.23: Full Moon in Aquarius

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"There is no such thing as independence, period. Quantum mechanics ran into this fact head on: the very concept of independence is a fantasy. The quality of independence simply doesn't exist in our universe. No example of it can be found anywhere. Everything leans on everything. As soon as you imagine otherwise, you contract your ability to be informed by the reality to which you belong."

- from "Radical Wholeness" by Philip Shepherd


This Full Moon occurs at 9 degrees of Aquarius on Tuesday, 1st of August 2023 at 2:31 PM EDT.

A Full Moon occurs every month when Sun and Moon are in opposition. 

Generally speaking, a Full Moon is a time when something that has started on the last New Moon (July, 17th in Cancer) finds it culmination which is why for me this time carries a nostalgic energy of looking back.  

It's a time of release, contemplation and sitting with the process. 

The question to ask today is: 

What process has started around the 17th of July that is rounding up for you now? 

And how can you give it space to ferment?    

This time around we've got the sun wandering through the sign of Leo and the Moon being full in the sign of Aquarius. 

So, let's look at the dynamic of those two archetypes first.

LEO TO AQUARIUS: From creative self-actualization to a greater purpose 

If we look at the 12 zodiac signs as a representation of the totality of human consciousness, then Leo is the moment when we want to proudly present ourselves to the world. 

 Like the actual animal, Leo energy is a natural authority, wanting to shine its light into the world, expecting big applause. It's the archetype of the inner child that wants to present its creativity to the outside. 

Leo says: “Enough hiding. Let the world see you and take center stage." 

No wonder it's the hottest time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.   

 Every archetype has a spectrum – from conscious to unconscious (also called shadow). In the conscious frequency Leo is creative, generous and roaring its talents. High self-esteem.    

When Leo loses himself in the shadow, he can become self-centered, desperately craving for gratification and forgetting about the fact that there's other people around. “Me, Myself and I” becomes a theme. 

 Aquarius carries the remedy if the Leonian self-inflation goes out of hand. 

 Whenever Leo has lost sight of the world around him, Aquarius whispers: 

“Leo, you have got a little too self-absorbed here. Your independence is inspiring but the truth is that you need others to co-exist. Find your tribe and express your authentic voice for the highest good.” 

Especially in the Western World we have reached a state of independence that is destroying us. We're more humans than ever on planet earth and yet, most of us feel lonely, isolated or disconnected. 

Our self-centeredness has in many ways turned into self-tyranny because we have lost touch with the world around us, especially with authentically being in relation to community, friendship and nature.   

And I'm speaking for myself here. For a long time, I have believed that independence is the answer. Until I realized that hyper-independence is as much a trauma response as co-dependence.


Aquarius shows us that independence is an illusion. If we want to change the world, we need to accept that we're interconnected and find ways to express authentically within the context that we live in – with other humans, trees, animals and even the bacteria that lives on, in and around us.  

Imagine Aquarius as the weirdo of the zodiac that will never compromise its authenticity for the sake of fitting in. It asks you to shed the masks that don't longer serve you and step from self-centered consciousness into a world-relation-consciousness.   

So maybe it's time for us with this Full Moon to collectively remember a place of interconnection, of community, of tribe – without compromising our individuality for the sake of being part of something greater.


The Full Moon shines its light onto following questions today: 

  • Where do you hide your weirdo part in order to fit in? 

  • Can you be connected and still authentic to yourself? 

  • How can you allow yourself to feel more of the world that surrounds you?

  • In what area of your life is it time to collaborate and team up instead of doing it all alone?     



The main aspect of today's Full Moon is that both the Moon and the Sun square Jupiter

When planets or points are around 90 degrees apart, it's considered a “square aspect”. In Western Astrology, it's interpreted as a tension which carries a certain potential when we're able to integrate it. 

Jupiter is the “lucky charm”, the planet of growth, expansion and abundance. Being in a square with both Sun and Moon today, it's screaming: 

“I want you to dream big. Enough of bread crumbs. Honor your life by living it authentically in connection with others. By connecting deeply to your truth and bringing your gifts into the world, we can make real change happen."  

Easy to write about it but for most of us – me included – that's a vulnerable topic. There will be certainly people that you might make uncomfortable when you start speaking your truth authentically. But you know what? The people who listen and value your honesty, are the ones to keep. 

The invitation Jupiter offers is to contemplate about the following: 

Which places, humans and patterns have you outgrown?

Where do you hold back your authentic self?

When do you compromise your truth?  

And how can you allow yourself to take up more space and still remain in connection with others? 



This is for the Astro geeks, so feel free to skip this part if you're just starting out.

This Full Moon occurs at 9 degrees and 16 minutes of Aquarius. Personally speaking, people with natal planets and points at approximately 5 to 13 degrees of the Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) might feel its effect strongly.  

If you have your natal chart at hand, see what planets or points fall into these signs. If you need help, send me a message. 


One of my teachers used to say “Trauma occurs when we are alone with too much. Healing happens when we are together with just enough.” Meaning: When something happens that overwhelms our nervous system and there's no soothing, it can leave a traumatic impact. When we learn to share the overwhelm (and joy!) with others in an authentic way, we can heal and co-regulate our nervous system. Healing mostly happens in the context of togetherness.

So maybe we can surrender to this Full Moon's energy by expressing our tender parts and creativity authentically within our chosen family, Aquarius would say. To reach a hand towards each other. And allow ourselves to not carry it all alone but be seen in our uniqueness.  

And you know what? Often when we turn away from self-centeredness towards connection with the world around us, it doesn't take anything away from our individuality, it actually enhances it.  

Please feel free to drop me a line about your feelings or thoughts and I promise, I will catch your hand reaching.  


With love,



15.08.23: New Moon in Leo


How can Astrology be of therapeutic benefit?