02.09.24: New Moon in Virgo

"Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack in everything

That's how the light gets in.

– Leonard Cohen

Dear One,

We've arrived at another New Moon in Virgo, and I feel it's the perfect time for us to reflect on our lives with a discerning eye — without letting our inner critic take control.

After all, perfectionism has never truly made anyone happy; in fact, it often does the opposite. 

That’s why this moment is crucial for allowing ourselves to be imperfect humans and to pursue the things we want to do anyway.


New Moons happen when the Sun and Moon align closely in the sky, an phenomenon called a “conjunction” in astrological language. Today, both the Sun and Moon are at 11 degrees in the sign of Virgo.

New Moons are known as times to set intentions for a new cycle. It's as if the Moon retreats into darkness, nurturing herself to grow big once again.

This New Moon in Virgo invites us to sit down, face reality, and contemplate what we want to invite into our lives — what’s missing, and what needs attention.


If we view the zodiac as a representation of the evolution of human consciousness, Virgo holds a critical transitional role.

From Aries to Leo, the focus is on self-development and our subjective orientation in the world. From Libra to Pisces, we engage with the world and society at large.

Virgo's function, then, brings humility into the equation, helping us come to authentic terms with ourselves so that we can be of service to others.

The polarity of Virgo, Pisces, teaches us that the ultimate "other" we seek to serve is the divine or God.

Remember, Virgo is one of the healer archetypes in the zodiac because she has the ability to cut through the BS and get to the heart of the matter.

In her shadow, however, Virgo can become obsessive, perfectionistic, and driven by unreachable ideals — for herself and others.


A teacher I follow, David Bedrick, who works a lot with the inner critic and shame, recently wrote: 

"Perhaps the biggest cost of chronic inner criticism (all inner criticism is chronic until addressed) is this: It prevents you from staying on the life path that is meant for you – YOUR PATH OF THE HEART. 

Not only are you being constantly assaulted, brutalized, and injured inside, but you get confused about the kind of person you are, what you are truly called to do, and how you are called to love. 

That's the most tragic part because there's a life that's meant for you, whether that's sitting in a cave working on your trauma and spiritual life, nourishing the gifts you have to offer the world, having a child, or falling in love."

These words deeply resonated with me, especially during this Virgo New Moon, as they made me reflect on the amount of criticism in my life that truly serves a purpose and the amount that is actually harming me, not allowing me to step into what I'd like to share with the world.


Speaking of criticism... As if this New Moon in Virgo isn’t enough of a challenge in terms of facing unfinished business, Saturn is opposing it in the heavens.

By now, you probably know Saturn well: The strict teacher, the grumpy uncle, or the authoritarian high school teacher who could bring you down with just one look. I’m sure we all have an image of someone who played that Saturnian role in our lives.

With Saturn in Pisces opposing the New Moon in Virgo, we are being called to strike a delicate balance between discipline and flow, structure and surrender.

Virgo’s detail-oriented energy urges us to focus on the small things, seeking order and practical solutions, while Saturn in Pisces (where he feels rather uncomfortable) challenges us to confront the limitations of control and embrace the wisdom of letting go. I know—easier said than done.

This opposition highlights the tension between our desire for precision (Virgo) and the need to trust in the larger, unseen forces at play (Saturn). 

It’s a moment to integrate hard work with spiritual insight, reminding us that true growth comes from balancing responsibility with faith. (And yes, this wisdom is sorely needed in the spiritually-bypassing communities of Tulum, don’t you think?) Not everything can be solved with a positive mindset or by trying to wash our problems away with the illusion of control.


Pluto, the planet of destruction and transformation, is currently transitioning into Aquarius. However, in these weeks, he dips back into Capricorn, sitting at the very last degree (29).

In Capricorn, Pluto has challenged the foundations of our society and personal lives, revealing where we need to release control and rebuild stronger.

Now, as Pluto crosses the final degrees of Capricorn, we’re invited to face the last unresolved issues, question the systems we’ve built, and ask ourselves: What truly supports us? 

As we enter this final phase of Pluto in Capricorn, we are called to reflect on the deep transformations that have shaped our personal and collective lives since 2008.

From September 1 to November 19, 2024, Pluto will make its final pass through Capricorn before moving into Aquarius for the next two decades. 

This is our chance to let go of outdated structures and prepare for the visionary energy of Aquarius.


If this New Moon could speak, it might ask you the following questions:

  • Where is your inner critic taking over and becoming destructive?

  • Who planted that critic inside of you?

  • Where do you need clarity to serve others and live the life meant for you?

  • How can you let go of the things you can’t control?

  • What does your body need right now to feel comfortable?

  • What routines do you need to feel balanced and thrive?

  • Is there a way to slow down and turn inward these days?


The Virgo New Moon marks a new gateway, arriving just before the upcoming eclipse season, when the nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces — moving from Aries and Libra. (I’ll share more about that in my upcoming love letter, so stay tuned.) 

What does that mean, you’re wondering?

It means that this Virgo New Moon offers us a final opportunity to ground ourselves and wrap up unfinished business before the transformative energies of the eclipses take hold.

Virgo’s practical and detail-oriented nature encourages us to address what’s unresolved, so we are ready to navigate the eclipse energies.

Whatever feels unfinished — do your best to clean it up, Virgo-style, without letting the inner critic take over. Stay mindful of its presence but don't let it drive the car. 

Now is the time to clear away what no longer serves, set intentions with precision, and prepare for the shifts that eclipse season will bring. 

Embrace this moment of clarity, and use it to align yourself with what truly matters before the tides begin to turn. And don't forget to have a good pizza in-between. 


With love, 



Pluto's Return to Capricorn: The Final Major Transformation