08.04.24: New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Aries

"In my life, I have given a fuck about many people and many things. I have also not given a fuck about many people and many things. And

those fucks I have not given have made all the difference."

Mark Manson

Hello, dear One,

 those last two weeks were 14 days in between two eclipses which is often understood as a very vital and sometimes challenging time – like a rug being pulled under your feet. 

Just in case you're life seems to fall apart, you think you're going crazy, you constantly feel triggered or your life force seems to explode: Hang in and let's journey together through the cosmic energies of this New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aries conjunct to Chiron.  


This New Moon happens in the archetype of Aries on April 8, 2024, at 2:21 PM EDT. It is also a total Solar Eclipse that occurs at 19° Aries 24′. People with planets in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn around 16° and 22° will feel its influence probably more significant. 

Honestly, these days I don't feel like explaining the astronomical part too much, so please bear with this for now: We're speaking of a Solar Eclipse when the Moon “eclipses” the Sun. Meaning: The Moon, as it goes around the Earth, stands in between the Sun and the Earth, blocking the Sun so we're not able to see the sunlight. 

In ancient times, this phenomenon used to scare people so much that they would retreat, thinking gods had eaten the Sun or similar stories. 

Today – although there still might be advice out there to stay home, we understand the astronomical phenomenon and don't need to be afraid – especially with Aries by our side.  


Remember that eclipses come in sets and reflect a larger process. The Solar Eclipse part makes this New Moon a Super New Moon – like a New Moon on steroids.  

Solar Eclipses can only happen during a New Moon and are known to bring new beginnings and new chances we can take in our lives – especially with 5 planets AND the North Node in Aries.  

I mean – what could be more vital for new beginnings than this?  

As always, to understand what's happening in the skies, it's important to understand the depth of the archetypes


With this New Moon and Solar Eclipse we're dealing with some bright-assAries energy

Remember, if we look at the zodiac as a representation of human consciousness, the ram represents the Zero-Pointthe beginning of everything. 

From the womb of Pisces (the last one in the zodiac), he jumps out when day and night are equal (Equinox) and is thirsty for life. He wants to experience it all, led by the question of “Who am I?”. 

In Magazine-Astrology (I call this the superficial string of Astrology) Aries is often associated with curiosity, being brave, and having the balls to do nearly anything. It's nice to know that but it's more important to understand why this is so

Aries is a cardinal, yang, and fire sign which initiates a new cycle. To kick-start a whole astrological wheel the Ram needs the utmost amount of energy and direction. This is why he doesn't stop, overloaded with ideas and life force. 

In the archetypal zodiac, Aries represents the first house which stands for myself, my identity, and my free will. We need this cardinal direction at this point, otherwise, we would never get going. 

As you know, an archetype always carries a spectrum. In the shadow, when Aries is not conscious, he can drop into aggressive behavior, forcing his will upon other people. 


Remember that eclipses happen on an archetypal axis. Two weeks ago we had a Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Libra, this time we're dealing with the opposition in the zodiac Aries

Whereas Libra is about encountering “The Other” and going into a relationship, Aries asks us to deeply reflect on the relationship we have with ourselves.

Isn't that beautiful? It carries the wisdom of: Only if we love and choose ourselves deeply, we can love and choose another.

It's important to note that this Solar Eclipse is a continuation of a process that started in April 2023. So it's worth asking yourself which process finds its continuation here what you've been dealing with back then and where you're right now – and maybe, to give yourself some props to have made it until here.    


As I said, this Solar Eclipse is one of a set of eclipses happening along the Aries/Libra archetypes from April 2023 to March 2025:

  • Annular Total SOLAR Eclipse 2023 April 20 in Aries

  • Annular SOLAR Eclipse 2023 October 14 in Libra

  • Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse 2024 March 25 in Libra

  • Total SOLAR Eclipse 2024 April 8 in Aries 

  • Annular SOLAR Eclipse 2024 October 2 in Libra

  • Partial SOLAR Eclipse 2025 March 29  in Aries

Having said that: Until March 2025 we'll be dealing with the topics of Libra and Aries ("Who am I" vs “Who am I in relationship?”) – both collectively and individually. 


It's interesting and also might be challenging that this Solar Eclipse and New Moon happens in conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer. They stand in the same degree in the heavens. 

In Greek Mythology, Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer. According to the story, Saturn was his father who created him with Philyra. Saturn's wife Rhea caught those two in the act which made Saturn run away, disguised as a horse.

When Chiron was born, he came to life as a centaur – half human, half horse. When his mother Philyra saw him, she felt an incredible amount of shame,thinking she had given birth to a monster. She then transformed herself into a Linden tree.

Wow, what a heavy story, right? Deep breath. This might be the energy of this New Moon for all of us. 

Questions like “Who am I really?”“How can I show myself to the world?” and “Where do I get the motivation to do this?” might appear. 

Based on this saga, in Astrology, Chiron is interpreted as the place in our chart where we carry a deep wound and only by accepting and integrating that wound, we can access our healing potential and help the world


With this New Moon in Aries, Chiron inspires us to own our tender places with confidence and not fall for the common trap that they weaken us.

In the heavens, Chiron whispers both to the Moon and Sun: “Hey Moon, Hey Sun, with all your fiery power, did you know that owning your doubts will guide you closer to who you actually are?” 

Really?”, the Moon answers doubtfully, “You mean… It's ok to admit that I feel weak and lost at times and you really that will make me more desirable?”,continues the Sun while furrowing his brow.

“That's exactly it”, says Chiron, “the fact that you can actually admit not always being the fierce bad-ass you seem to be, will empower others to be themselves too” And isn't that, what you really wanna be – yourself?".

I hope you get the idea of my little Astro Drama here. 

Under this New Moon, we're allowed to own our weak parts. And not only that, to hold them close to our hearts and tell them “you belong”.  

We're asked to see them as part of our unique identity, as treasures and our god-given gifts that will inspire others to shine bright – with all the quirks and rough edges we brought into this life.     


Personally speaking, I know a bunch of truly amazing human beings that I call my friends. Many of them with incredible talents that the world needs at this time.  

Unfortunately, too many of them struggle with feelings of insecurity, doubts, or lack of motivation so they don't work with their gifts actively – caught in a 9-to-5-prison, in the numbness of their perceived inadequacy or with the perceived imposter driving the car.

And really, I don't want to speak from an illuminated place. I remember how my hands were shaking when I first posted a story that I would start working as an astrologer checking who has seen the story every 2 minutes and thinking this was my death sentence because people will think that I've gone mad. 

Or, I remember the awkward sound of my voice when I was presenting myself as an “astrologer”. You could truly feel that I haven't believed myself. It probably took this voice two years, to soften when saying “I work as an astrologer” and until today, my heart pumps stronger when I am in those situations.  

Luckily, I had people around me who kept pushing me out of my comfort zone – sometimes kindly, and sometimes not so kindly, reminding me that having a gift and not going out with it causes suffering too.   


I'm sure you remember that eclipses occur close to the nodal axis, and this one we find close to the North Node of the Moon.  

The North Node is known to head the way for our soul to grow in consciousness. 

So collectively speaking, this is a moment where we can embrace our identitywith all its flaws, take the fear by the hand, and walk through the fire nonetheless.  

To understand that growth very rarely comes easily and it always is uncomfortable to show ourselves – but that your unique and divine spark is desperately needed in a world that lacks authenticity and realness. 


Around this New Moon in Aries, I stumbled upon an article written by Mark Manson. I just loved reading every word of it because it is so true: We often don't do things because we think too much about how we might appear on the outside and about what people could say about us.

And suddenly, we find ourselves in a life according to what we think would appear best to other people – mostly people we don't even know or care about. If you think about it, isn't that fucked up? 

Or, we give lots of meaning to situations that actually don't quite matter in the bigger picture. It sounds so clear intellectually but until I've understood that with my whole body. 


I can imagine, Mark Manson wrote this article on a New Moon in Aries: 

"When we say, “Damn, watch out, Mark Manson just don't give a fuck,” we don't mean that Mark Manson doesn't care about anything; on the contrary, what we mean is that Mark Manson doesn't care about adversity in the face of his goals, he doesn't care about pissing some people off to do what he feels is right or important or noble. What we mean is that Mark Manson is the type of guy who would write about himself in third person and use the word 'fuck' in an article 127 different times just because he thought it was the right thing to do. He just doesn't give a fuck.

This is what is so admirable—no, not me, dumbass—the overcoming adversity stuff. The staring failure in the face and shoving your middle finger back at it.  

The people who don't give a fuck about adversity or failure or embarrassing themselves or shitting the bed a few times. The people who just laugh and then do it anyway. Because they know it's right. They know it's more important than them and their own feelings and their own pride and their own needs. 

They say “Fuck it,” not to everything in life, but rather they say “Fuck it” to everything unimportant in life. They reserve their fucks for what truly fucking matters. Friends. Family. Purpose. Burritos. And an occasional lawsuit or two. And because of that, because they reserve their fucks for only the big things, the important things, people give a fuck about them in return." 


I've been through a hell of emotions in the past months, feeling so responsive to anything that happens from the outside until it has become unbearable. And there it happened: I felt a switch turning, and just like that, I started to give less fucks. 

It was a very internal process that quickly was mirrored in the outside: I would get less angry because of people who projected their anger onto me and situations that would normally cause loops of obsessive thoughts, disappeared way quicker. As if I grew the ability to say: “I won't hold onto that”. 

I am still a big believer in feeling your anger and your emotions – and really, I've done that for 4 years now – but somehow I started to magically understand that one doesn't exclude the other: We can feel the emotion (it's actually very crucial to do so) AND let it go after. Not holding onto it. 

I very often thought that this is some spiritual-bypassing stuff until the shit in my life hit the fence and I was forced to stop to give so much importance to outside events – and for now, I am very content with that. The most content I have been in years. And there is less drama. 

So, I'm wondering over here: Maybe this New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Ariesis an invitation to ground our feet, take off like an invincible Ram and just run wild while holding the promise close to our hearts to give less fucks.

With lots of fire in my heart,


** header graphic from GIPHY.com


23.04.24: Full Moon in Scorpio


24.03.24: Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Libra