09.02.24: New Moon in Aquarius

""Considering the terrible time in which we are living... it reminds me of... those dark centuries when the culture of antiquity was gradually falling into decay. Now once again we are in a time of decay and transition,.. The vernal equinox is moving out of the sign of Pisces into the sign of Aquarius,... Our apocalyptic epoch ... contains the seeds of a different, unprecedented, and still inconceivable future...

– Carl Gustav Jung

Dear Astro Lover,

I have no doubt that most of us have passed some challenging moments in the past weeks.

At the beginning of January, Pluto, the planet of transformation has moved into Aquarius, initiating a new cycle that awaits us as humanity. A cycle that no person alive has ever experienced. 

In the last days, the Moon and Mercury have passed Pluto in Aquarius – and within the upcoming days, Mars and Venus will also make a visit to the Dark Lord in the archetype of Aquarius.

 We find all personal planets such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars dwelling around Pluto within a reach of 20 degrees at the moment.

On top, we're welcoming a New Moon in Aquarius today. In a nutshell: Lots of unexpected turns, revolutionary charge, and crumbling. Let's look at it step by step.

New Moon: New Beginning

By now you must have learned that a New Moon occurs when Sun and Moon are in the same degree, in Astrology language it's called „Conjunction“.

New Moons are times of new beginnings. It's a moment when we can throw the garbage that has been weighing us down for the past two weeks off our shoulders and set a new intention for what's about to be born.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 20 degrees and 41 minutes of Aquarius, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 17 to 25 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) most significantly.

So, if you have any personal planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, you might feel the intensity of this New Moon stronger than others.

An Aquarian Party with a Plutonian Twist

As you probably already know, Pluto, the planet of darkness, the shadow, the underworld, and transformation, has re-entered Aquarius where it will remain for the next 2 decades. 

Both Sun and Moon are in Aquarius currently and Mercury too – they have passed the Plutonian bouncer. In some days, also Mars and Venus join the Aquarian party – greeting the God of the underworld, Pluto. 

What does that mean? CHAOS ahead. It means that the ground opens up yet another time and things begin to crumble.

With Pluto, there are not many words to share and not much we can control. We have to expect the unexpected and surrender to what feels like an earthquake. It's only left to trust that the things coming our way will be better than what we thought we deserved.

The Moon: How we were as a child

I personally absolutely love the archetype of Aquarius. But you must know too that I can't be objective here. I was born when the Moon was wandering through Aquarius with a North Node in Aquarius too, meaning, it's an archetype that is inherent in my DNA. 

Often, in Western Astrology, the Moon is interpreted as how we were as a child. Well, imagine an Aquarian child. 

I don't remember many things from my childhood but my mother used to tell me that I was very self-sufficient. You could have given me a book or something to do and I would have lost myself in it for hours. I also taught myself reading basically – not needing too much attention from my parents.

I often felt very alienated in my own family and when I finally turned 18, I immediately left home. Did you get the Aquarian signature?

Aquarius: The rebel of the zodiac

Aquarius is the absolute weirdo of the zodiac. It's the one that does things differently, that does not comply with the system, it's the one that fights for revolution, and the one with very high ideals that can lead to some dystopian views when it falls into the shadow – yep, been there, done that.

It's a fixed air sign that solves problems with the intellect rather than with the heart (Leo). And it constructs visions of the future in its own mind. Visions of a future society are his favorite. 

Aquarius fights for individuality and a higher cause, it's the archetype of friendships that become our chosen family (people with Aquarian energy often consider their friends family), he likes to do things differently, „outside of the box“ and has deep humanitarian thoughts about saving the world.

Moon challenged through Uranus today

As if that's not enough rebellious charm, the Moon forms an aspect with Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius today.

To me, it seems as if Uranus, the planet of total weirdness, is telepathically (because a Moon in Aquarius doesn't need to talk) sending messages to the Moon saying: „Hey Moon, your jacket seems too tight. You need more freedom. Why are you so stiff? Let's do something weird, let's break the rules. I need change!“

Uranus is a powerhouse when it comes to its own independence that it would never sacrifice – FOR ANYTHING. It will never obey a higher authority but rather do things in its own way.

It's a true visionary too, loving experiments and finding new ways to live.

In the shadow frequency, Uranus can cause trouble because it wants freedom at all costs. It will rebel only for the cause of rebelling and sometimes isolate itself just proofing that he really is the lonely alien.

If you spot this kind of energy these days in your life, make it your friend and try to be compassionate with yourself. Revolution is coming – we really need it (ups, that was subjective too).

What The Moon in Aquarius would ask today  

The Moon being in Aquarius today plus having Uranus pinching it, would ask you today:

  • What's currently crumbling away in your life and how can you embrace that process rather than resisting it?

  • In your dream society: What would be different and what thing could you do today to come closer to this imagination?

  • Where have you been conforming to avoid discomfort?

  • Which parts of your life deserve a reinvention?

  • What needs to change today?

Aquarius from the perspective of Evolutionary Astrology

In Evolutionary Astrology, we believe that the zodiac is a representation of the evolution of human consciousness. Every archetype is in a relationship with all the others and is deeply needed in other to evolve.

I'd love to quote my wonderful Evolutionary Astrology teacher Michael De Baker and share a bit more about Aquarius from the perspective of Evolutionary Astrology.

In his teachings, he emphasizes that the archetype of Capricorn still holds the promise of heaven on earth, of Christ being born from Man, spirit released within matter, and divinity coming from humanity. 

When all goes well in Capricorn, we'll find ourselves in a fair and just society that Aquarius wants to expand with his unique ideas and visions rather than react against.  

Well, I guess we're on the same page when I dare to say that I don't see a fair society when I look around me. I see a world where innocent children die for political interest, where teenagers commit more and more suicide and people are still starving to death while the richest 1% own almost half of the world's wealth.

I guess we've arrived in a shadow frequency of Capricorn where uniformity happens through conformity because there is no other way to survive. We can see that within the last years and what's to come (hint: total control through technology, digital ID, and so on).

No wonder that Aquarius, following the solstitial cardinal sign of Capricorn, is rebelling against what's happening in the world – and don't you worry. With Pluto in Aquarius, we'll see much more of it on a bigger scale within the next two decades. In both directions – light and dark.

Aquarius: Expansion or Rebellion

Aquarius believes in uniformity too. But rather uniformity through unicity rather than conformity to a society which harms the individual human and nature. 

How disconnected we've become from „The Other“, Philip Shepherd describes in his book „Radical Wholeness“:

„The Story of Western culture asserts through those particulars a range of messages: that humans stand as independent of nature as our skyscrapers do; that the head should be in charge of the body, just a CEO is in charge of a corporation; that we can own trees, lands, and animals; that self-mastery is the means to success; that what we feel as „the self“ lies within the boundary of the skin; that the pursuit of happiness is the primary goal of our lives, and that money buys security.“ 

Aquarius and the Process of Individuation

The goal in Aquarius is to individuate while being in balance with the larger perspective of the collective, of society.

Individuation basically signifies „that, which can not be divided“. It's the opposite of fragmentation. It's coming into wholeness. And with that wholeness contributing to a higher cause. An Aquarian dream.

The Jungian fellows here know that we can't talk about individuation without mentioning Carl Gustav Jung who has shaped the concept of individuation.

He writes: 'Since the individual is not only a single entity, but also, by very existence, presupposes a collective relationship, the process of individuation does not lead to isolation, but to an intenser and more universal collective solidarity.' 

Meaning, that when we embrace our uniqueness and find wholeness within ourselves, we will seek community and a need for interdependence rather than hyper-independence or co-dependence.

Or – let me say it with Carl Gustav Jung's words, who by the way was a student of Astrology himself, referring to the age of Aquarius:

"The coming new age will be as vastly different from ours as the world of the 19th century was from that of the 20th with its atomic physics and its psychology of the unconscious. Never before has mankind been torn into two halves, and never before was the power of absolute destruction given into the hand of man himself. It is a “godlike” power that has fallen into human hands.“

With concern, hope, and thoughtfulness,



**about the Age of Aquarius (from Wikipedia): “A more accurate set of figures is 25,772 years for a complete cycle and 2,147.5 years per astrological age. According to various astrologers' calculations, approximate dates for entering the Age of Aquarius range from 1447 CE (Terry MacKinnell) to 3597 CE (John Addey).”

*** header graphic from GIPHY.com


23.02.24: Full Moon in Virgo


25.01.24: Full Moon in Leo