25.01.24: Full Moon in Leo

Full Moon January 2024

"I am my own Opposite

I am not identical with myself, I am torn apart, I am my own opposite.

Nevertheless, this Other who is my own opposite, is nobody else but myself.

 I am both myself and my opposite. In this sense I am united with my Other.

 The realized Self is that status of consciousness that consciously exists as the complexity of this logical relation, as the fluidity of dialectical movement, as process and performance."

– W. Gigerich, 2005

Hello, dear One,

some days ago, I’ve been sitting in a café in Tulum where you mostly meet yogis and „very conscious people“. And, although I had my earplugs in, I was able to listen to the conversation the guy next to me had on his phone. And I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. 

In his very lovely British accent, he said to his friend on the phone: „Mate, honestly, how much more inward do you want to go? Yoga, Ayahuasca, Temazcal – every week. It doesn’t go more inwards. There’s a time where we have to go out and embrace the world, integrate that shit.“

Wow, the guy probably didn’t look as „spiritual“ as many of the people in the café but at this moment, I thought that he might be more connected than many of them.

„He got it“, I thought. He understood that living life and enjoying the moment is one of the most spiritual things we can aspire to do. 



Why am I telling you this? This Full Moon happens to be in Leo. The archetype of Leo encourages us to go out into the world and to show ourselves fully with all our creative expression – and flaws.

Full Moons are times of culmination, a process that started 2 weeks ago comes into fruition so it’s worth asking what you’ve been brewing for the past 14 days. 

Leo is a generous leader who knows the way. He loves to share, he’s driven by his passion and he loves to enjoy life to the fullest. He’s ruled by the Sun which remains the center principle of the universe we know. 



The moment of Leo is another crucial moment in the zodiac. 

After being shot out into the world (Aries), contained in a vessel (Taurus), developing a mind (Gemini), and forming an emotional body (Cancer), in Leo, we’re ready to show ourselves to the world.

I always imagine a little kid running with his drawing to his mum and presenting it to her with all his pride. „Look Mommy, this is what I’ve drawn. Do you like it?“. 

A crucial, yet very tender and vulnerable. What will the world say if they see me? Will I get their validation or will they reject me? Will my creativity be received?  

At its core, Leo is deeply insecure and only by accepting this insecurity, he can grow an authentic self-esteem rather than putting on a mask of superiority. 



The body part that is associated with Leo is the heart. Why?  

I think it’s because when we’re truly passionate about something, the heart is leading. Naturally, that passion leads us to the gifts that we brought into this life that are unique for each and every person.

Of course, in a patriarchal society that is built upon capitalistic values, we forget that passion leads the way. So somehow we end up in 9-5 jobs that suck out our life energy (ups, sorry, not sorry – my Moon in Aquarius took the lead). 

Back to the topic. Did you realize that whenever we’re doing things only to „earn money“ the mind is leading?

So being connected to our heart is essential to form an ego consciousness and with it, to go out into the world.

Carl Gustav Jung, whom I deeply admire (I’m sure you haven’t missed that point), distinguishes between the Self and the Ego.

In his book „Man and his symbols“ he writes:

„The Self can be defined as an inner guiding factor that is different from the conscious personality and that can be grasped only through the investigation of one’s own dreams. (…) 

How far it develops depends on whether or not the ego is willing to listen to the messages of the Self. (…) 

It even seems as if the ego has not been produced by nature to follow its own arbitrary impulses to an unlimited extent, but to help to make real the totality – the whole psyche. It is the ego that serves to light up the entire system, allowing it to become conscious and thus to be realized.

If, for example, I have an artistic talent of which my ego is not conscious, nothing will happen to it. The gift may as well be non-existent. Only if my ego notices it, I can bring it into reality. The inborn but hidden totality of the psyche is not the same thing as a wholeness that is fully realized and lived.“

Okay – deep breath. I needed to read this many times but I tell you, the Leo archetype is written all over it – in big shiny letters.

For Jung, the process from Self to Individuation is one of the most important human processes in one’s lifetime and eventually, leads to a fulfilled life.



Do you also see the dangerous interpretation of spiritual communities saying „transcend the ego“. I mean, I know what they probably want to say but what people understand is that the ego is inherently bad.

Some months ago, I joined a yoga class where the teacher said: „Destroy the ego“. I was wondering if she’s aware that her ego is actually leading the class.

By embracing this vehicle called ego that was given to us by our souls, and therefore, as a reflection of the divine, we can facilitate the change we want to see in the world (Aquarius) – but only, if we dare to embrace our creativity, sacred life force and gift it proudly to the world.

And don’t ever think this has to happen without fear. I don’t know anyone who has presented anything to the world without being afraid. I piss my panties regularly posting something on social media or writing those newsletters. 

The important factor is not that we have no fear. The important question is if we do it nonetheless.   



The Moon being in Leo-Mood today would shout the following questions from the heavens to you:

  • When was the last time you felt truly seen and got some validation for your passions?

  • What is it that you do that comes dearly from the heart rather than from the mind?

  • Where is your secret stage in life?

  • How would it feel if you’d do your life from the heart center today rather than from your mind center?

  • Can you make space in your life today to play like a child – even if it’s for 30 seconds?



Full Moons happen when the Sun and Moon are in opposition. The Moon receives the light from the sun so it appears full to us. 

While the Moon is wandering through Leo, the Sun is in Aquarius, very close to Pluto, the planet of transformation and destruction, which just stepped over the crucial line from Capricorn into Aquarius

I could probably write a whole newsletter and more about Pluto in Aquarius but let me just say this: The world is holding its breath for this transit to come.

Today, there’s no human alive who has ever witnessed a Pluto in Aquarius, the last one happened from 1777 to 1798 when the American Revolutionary War and the French and Haitian revolutions happened.

I sense the highly revolutionary energy the collective is carrying these days. They no longer want to obey oppressive systems that literally walk over dead bodies.



Back to this Full Moon. Today, the moon is also in opposition to Pluto who embodies death and rebirth.

Oppositions always speak of tension, of paradoxes that need to be held – at the same time. 

So, what do they teach us, you wanna ask? They remind us that opposing forces can be experienced at the very same time. 

I know, society tells us otherwise, but for me, that’s another symptom of the brokenness of it.

So, if you’re missing some peace of mind these days: Learn how to hold paradoxes. Can you love and be averted to someone at the same time? Do you want to invest in your individual progress and at the same time, want to be of service to humanity? Is it possible that you want to be in a relationship and single at the same time?

Well, Pluto is a good maestro for holding the paradox. In opposition to the Moon these days, it can bring up dramatic changes or heavy feelings that give a sense of All-Or-Nothing.

Pluto is an intensifier. Whatever is there, will be felt more heavy, and will ask us to let parts of our psyche go to get to know other parts.

That’s the sacred medicine of death and rebirth that is inherent in each of us and nature – we just forgot how to hold the pain. No worries, Pluto will teach us. 

The way to deal with Pluto is to try to surrender to its demands, otherwise our resistance will drive us mad. 



In Leo, it’s about me, myself, and I: How Can I bring myself into the world and utilize my ego for my soul evolution?

In Aquarius – the polarity of Leo – it’s about humanity and a higher cause than our own business. 

But, really, the question remains: Can we contribute to a higher cause when we’re not standing in our true light?

At the fundament, both Leo and Aquarius are highly individualistic and maybe that’s exactly what we’re called to balance these days: To shine our light bright while taking radical responsibility for humanity.

Wouldn’t that be a beautiful world? Well, at least I’m gonna keep dreaming of it.

Or, let me say it with Marie-Luise von Franz’s words: 

„Our attitude must be like that of the mountain pine: It does not get annoyed when its growth is obstructed by a stone, nor does it make plans about how to overcome obstacles. It merely tries to feel whether it should grow more toward the left or the right, toward the slope or away from it.

Like the tree, we should give in to this almost imperceptible, yet powerfully dominating, impulse – an impulse that comes from the urge toward unique, creative self-realization. And this is a process in which one must repeatedly seek out and find something that is not yet known to anyone. The guiding hints or impulses come, not from the ego, but from the totality of the psyche: the Self.“

With love,


** header graphic from GIPHY.com


09.02.24: New Moon in Aquarius


11.01.24: New Moon in Capricorn