Journey into the Unknown: Jupiter, Saturn, and the Super Full Moon in Aquarius

As some of you know, I’m having an Astro podcast called AstroUnplugged in which me and one of my closest friends, Klaudia, weave in astrology, philosophy and the struggle of being alive.

For now, this podcast is still in German language which is why I decided to upload a summary of the content in an English version. I hope you’ll like it.

In our 19th podcast episode of AstroUnplugged, we delve into a truly special astrological event that brings both collective and personal transformations: the Jupiter-Saturn square, combined with a Super Full Moon in Aquarius.

The Significance of the Jupiter-Saturn Square

Jupiter and Saturn are two of the most influential planets in astrology. Their energies could hardly be more different – while Jupiter represents expansion, growth, and opportunities, Saturn embodies structure, responsibility, and the boundaries of what is possible. When these two planets meet, they create a dynamic that can generate tremendous tension.

The square between Jupiter and Saturn, which becomes exact on August 19, 2024, is an aspect that brings both challenges and opportunities into our lives. It calls on us to reconsider our existing structures and beliefs and to open ourselves to new opportunities for growth, even if these initially seem uncomfortable.

This square pushes us all to question and potentially transform existing systems, whether in society, relationships, or our personal lives. The energy of this aspect can feel like an inner conflict, where we are torn between the desire for freedom and expansion and the need to adhere to existing structures.

Reflecting on the Great Conjunction of 2020

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in December 2020 marked the beginning of a new 20-year cycle and had profound effects on collective consciousness.

The conjunction took place at 0 degrees in Aquarius – a sign that stands for innovation, rebellion, and the reorganization of society.

Back then, we already saw the first signs of how these energies would unfold: Technological advances, social upheavals, and the heightened question of social justice and individual freedom shaped 2021 and beyond.

Now, almost four years later, the current Jupiter-Saturn square shows how these energies have evolved and once again calls on us to consider how we want to shape our society and our lives.

The Influence of the Super Full Moon in Aquarius

The Super Full Moon in Aquarius, occurring simultaneously with the Jupiter-Saturn square, amplifies the already intense energies even further.

A Super Full Moon occurs when the Moon is particularly close to Earth, appearing larger and brighter than usual. In astrology, the Full Moon often symbolizes the peak of a cycle, where the energies of a particular theme are revealed in their full intensity.

Aquarius, the sign in which this Full Moon occurs, is ruled by Uranus, a planet known for sudden changes, rebellion, and the unexpected.

Uranus brings an energy that encourages us to break old patterns and forge new paths – even if it means stepping out of our comfort zone.

This Super Full Moon calls on all of us to engage with the themes of freedom, individuality, and innovation.

At the same time, Uranus creates tension with the Sun and Moon during this period, forming what is known as a T-square. This configuration can feel like a cosmic wake-up call, prompting us to rethink our habits and thought patterns and prepare ourselves for profound changes.

Uranus: The Agent of Change

Uranus takes on the mantle of change. It symbolizes the unexpected, the uncontrollable, and the need to adapt to life’s changes.

In recent years, we have all felt Uranus’s disruptive energy in one way or another, whether through global events, personal upheavals, or societal transformations.

It is important to see this energy not as a threat but as an opportunity.

Uranus challenges us to remain flexible and face life’s unpredictable twists and turns. It reminds us that stability is not necessarily achieved through control but through the ability to adapt and respond to changes.

Practical Tips for Everyday Life

In these times, it is crucial to ground ourselves to maintain inner balance despite external turmoil. One of the simplest and most effective methods is grounding through physical activities like yoga, meditation, or walks in nature.

We also discuss how important it is to take breaks during times of change and consciously allow yourself moments of reflection and relaxation.

The cosmic energies can be very intense, and it is easy to feel overwhelmed by them. However, by regularly pausing and connecting with yourself, you can consciously harness these energies to promote personal transformation and growth.

Growth and Transformation Not Without Tension

The energies these weeks are complex and intense, but they also offer tremendous potential for growth and transformation.

By facing these challenges and seizing the opportunities that arise, we can positively change not only our own lives but also the world around us.

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19.08.24: Full Moon in Aquarius