19.08.24: Full Moon in Aquarius

“Recall how often in human history the saint and the rebel have be the same person.”

Rollo May, The Courage to Create

Hello, dear One,

We're in an intense time right now, aren't we? So much is happening that it can feel overwhelming, like the universe is sending us more than we can handle. 

Whether you're feeling like your world is falling apart or riding a wave of something exhilarating and new – trust the process. Something's in the making and let's hope it's for our best.  


On Monday, August 19th, we'll experience a "Super Full Moon." This occurs when the Moon is closest to Earth in its orbit, making it appear brighter and larger. Take a moment to step outside and soak in its glow.


By now, you might know that Full Moons are a time when things come to fruition. 

Something that has been brewing since the New Moon in Leo on August 4th is ready to be realized. 

Full Moons happen when the Sun and Moon are in opposition, lighting up what we've been nurturing, and it's time to harvest what we've sown.


With the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius, we see a natural opposition. 

Leo, where the Sun feels at home, is about self-expression, shining brightly, and leading from the heart. It's all about "me" and how I can bring my light into the world.  

On the other hand, Aquarius, where the Moon currently resides, is about the collective. It's less about me as an individual and more about my individuality for the sake of humanity, questioning the status quo, and dreaming of a different way to live together.


Today, the Moon forms a challenging square (90 degrees) with Uranus, the planet of disruption and sudden changes. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, shakes things up, often affecting our nervous system.  

Imagine the Sun, Moon, and Uranus in a conversation: 

Sun: "I'm burning bright here in Leo, eager to share my talents and curiosity with the world. With Mercury by my side, I can't wait to spread the word."

Moon: "Sun, while you're focused on shining, I'm concerned about humanity. We need change, innovation. We can't accept the status quo."

Uranus: “You both have your points, but remember, change is the only constant. It's always happening. To believe anything else is an illusion.” 


Many of you reading this might feel like being different is very familiar to you. Probably you were the "black sheep" of your family, the one who has always been questioning the system.

I know that feeling well with a natal Moon in Aquarius. This Full Moon, especially with the square to Uranus, is a time to embrace being different. 

We live in a world that tries to dictate how we should think and live. 

But Aquarius urges us to think for ourselves, even in a world dominated by technology where our smartphones seem to dictate what we're allowed to think. 

We can't escape systems entirely, but we can choose which ones to be part of and work to change them when they no longer serve humanity. 

This is a good time to question the systems you're part of, to reflect on your use of technology, to shed a thought about a future you want to create and about freedom of thought. 

In his book “Radical Wholeness” Philip Shepherd writes some Aquarian thoughts:  

“That’s a very long time for our culture to have given its allegiance to an erroneous assumption, and it has precipitated a strange way of being we accept as normal. We have almost perfected the separation of our thinking from our being, our consciousness from our body and our sende of self from the world. Our bias for what the head knows habitually distances us from the personal truth of our being and orients us instead to the abstractions of status, dogma, money, control and security.”


Along with the Super Full Moon, we're also experiencing a square between Jupiter and Saturn.

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, optimism, and growth, is buzzing with ideas in Gemini.

Meanwhile, Saturn, the lord of time and karma in Pisces, brings structure, organization, and limitations with some wise grandmotherly-abuela-vibes. 

Jupiter and Saturn started a new 20-year-cycle in December 2020 when they joined for a conjunction in 0° Aquarius (you see the Aquarian signature here?). 

Now, after 4 years, they form the first square in their dance in the heavens. Through retrogrades we'll see another square around Christmas this year and the next one in May next year, 2025. 

These two energies are in a tense dance, one wanting to expand wildly, the other holding back, urging us to build a solid foundation. 

This tension isn't just personal; it's reflected in the larger societal shifts around AI, community, politics, and humanitarian issues – all very Aquarian themes.


  • Where are you fitting into a system that doesn’t serve you?

  • What process started in December 2020 that finds its continuation now?

  • How do you express your individuality for the sake of humanity?

  • Where do you feel stuck, frustrated or betrayed by the universe in your growth process? How could you build more foundation there?

  • How can you ground yourself during these weeks of change?

  • How do you handle unexpected news?


In times like these, I wonder, who told us life was supposed to be easy?

Life is full of duality – it's beautiful and messy.

The bumps in the road are what make space for new beginnings – Uranus knows this well.

Saturn teaches us that even in frustration and setbacks, we're building resilience, laying the foundation for our dreams to unfold in a real, embodied way (after all Uranus is currently in Taurus).

So, let's trust ourselves and life, knowing that everything is in perfect order, even when it doesn't seem that way. And let's not bypass the grief that comes with those seemingly spiritual lines. 

Let's remain open to the Unknown and dare to be revolutionary in our approach to life's challenges. And let's hold ourselves in all that. 

Or like Joseph Campbell had said it: 

“The journey of the hero is about the courage to seek the depths; the image of creative rebirth; the eternal cycle of change within us; the uncanny discovery that the seeker is the mystery which the seeker seeks to know. The hero journey is a symbol that binds, in the original sense of the word, two distant ideas, the spiritual quest of the ancients with the modern search for identity, “always the one, shape-shifting yet marvelously constant story that we find.”

With love,



** header graphic from GIPHY.com


Journey into the Unknown: Jupiter, Saturn, and the Super Full Moon in Aquarius


04.08.24: New Moon in Leo