27.11.23: Full Moon in Gemini

"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."

– from Ralph Waldo Emerson

My dearest Astrology fellows,

 you're receiving this Astrology love letter because we're awaiting another Full Moon – this time in the sign of Gemini. 

 Gemini is the archetype of expression. It demands us to own our voice and speak our truth based on the observations we make in the world. 

 But let's start easy as always. The Moon is Full in Gemini on November 27, 2023, at 4:16 AM EST.   


In Aries, the cosmic fire energy bursts into life through the womb of Pisces, and the wheel starts once again. In Taurus, the body as our vessel is given and we're introduced to form and limitation. And in Gemini, our mind is born

Gemini is the third sign in the zodiac wheel, it's the first air sign which stands for intellect and it's a mutable sign that initiates change

In the Northern Hemisphere, it's also the change of season, when we slide from spring into summer. 

Very often Gemini is interpreted as having “two faces” but I'd like to doubt this perception. In my view, it's a very superficial take and there's more to the archetype to deeply understand it. 

The two columns that symbolize Gemini stand for the awareness of duality and the fact that every coin has two sides on this human plane.

Gemini is very much aware of this so she wants to see everything from all possible perspectives to form her opinion. Everything that helps her to enrich her perspective is welcome: information, exchange, talk, and observation

For Gemini, it's rarely “neither, or” but rather “both, and”. She has the ability to see all positions and debate about them.  


As we already know, Full Moons are times of culmination. It might feel like we've been pregnant with something for a while and now it might be time to get it out. 

“Speak it out and share it openly”, Gemini says. It's the moment in the zodiac where the mind and word are born so it wants to get out to form our unique personality (and ego) that is born in Cancer.  


Today, the Full Moon in Gemini would ask the following questions:  

What process started around the 13th of November and is now ready to be shared out loud? 

How can you give space to your voice? 

How can you stand in the light of your own truth? 

What have you been avoiding to say because you were afraid you could hurt someone? 

This phase of the Moon occurs at 4 degrees and 51 minutes of Gemini opposite the Sun at 4 degrees 51 minutes of Sagittarius, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 1 to 9 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.


When a Full Moon occurs, we've got Sun and Moon in opposition in the sky. So this time, the Sun is wandering through the sign of Sagittarius. 

While Gemini is about seeing all sides and analyzing all the perspectives, Sagittarius brings the medicine of wisdom

So whenever Gemini loses herself in her own intellectual stories, Sag would say: “Hey Gemini, why do you need even more proof and information? Just trust your intuition and wisdom. You already know.”

We all know the feeling when we need to make a decision and we search for even more proof to justify what we already know deep inside. That's the polarity we're speaking about.  

Gemini rules the mind, we all know the feeling when our thoughts are racing and our nervous system is buzzing – a sense of overwhelm. At least I'm very familiar with this state.  

To counter this overwhelm with this Full Moon, we can return to our body because the body is so much wiser that our mind tries to be. 

Our intuition lives in our body and through the body, it's easier to access it. 


Whenever air becomes the dominator, we can seek balance with earthy things. 

I, personally, have a Mercury in Gemini, so my mind is really quick and it's easy to overwhelm myself with information and thoughts – the fact that we live in a world where there's information overload everywhere we look doesn't make it easier. 

Connecting to the body helps me to take a step back and put my mind to rest for a bit. The most effective ways I explored to do this are the following: 

  • High-intensity workout and sweating. 

  • Shaking to one song or two.  

  • Dance or intuitive movement. 

  • Painting without any framework. 

  • Cooking a delicious meal with earthy vegetables.  

  • Change of temperature with sauna or ice baths.

  • Petting your dog or cat. 

  • Cleaning the house or dishes.  

Just a little surviving list, in case you find yourself overwhelmed these days. 


Mars being in opposition to the Moon and in conjunction with the Sun can bring a sense of aggression into the field. But it also pushes us to finally own what we have to express.   

So yes, speaking our truth is needed and valid – and yet we can take into account the way we express it because, with a strong Mars energy, we can easily be tempted to just project our shit onto someone else. 

In the end, both Gemini's and Sag's shadow is a certain arrogance and superiority to know better than others do – one with the help of information and the other with the help of intuition. 

Saturn is making a square to both the Sun and the Moon today. He's demanding responsibility from us. He asks us to express our voice from a place of clarity and integrity rather than projected rage. With the clarity of a mountain goat.     


Very often with Gemini, we get meaningful insights in a blink of a moment. That's the superpower of the air element.  

It's worth staying open on this Full Moon for sudden realizations about ourselves and the way we see the world (and what we might not see).  

In the end, Gemini also represents the stories we tell ourselves. 

It's a good time to shed light onto those stories and see how much they serve you or if it's – maybe – time to let go of some of them. 


With love,


*Header taken from GIPHY.com


12.12.23: New Moon in Sagittarius


13.11.23: New Moon in Scorpio