26.12.23: Full Moon in Cancer

Cancer Full Moon 2023

My dearest Astrology tribe,

what could be more wonderful than ending this year with a precious Full Moon in Cancer? An archetype that is very dear to my heart.

 I’ve got both my Sun and Venus in Cancer and my Moon in the 4th house (Cancer house) so I’ve had quite some time to develop my relationship with the little crab – and guess what, I'm still figuring it out.

When it comes to this love letter, writing it for a few months now, made me realize how much my internal emotional processes are connected to the moon and reflected in the collective processes many go through.

In the end, that’s what they say in Astrology, „As above to below“ means that what’s going on „up there“ in the cosmos will be mirrored in the collective and since each of us individually is a part of it, I want to trust deeply that my processes will resonate with some of you. 

I’ve decided to stay close to my own experiences and web them into the astrological archetypes and the current cosmic constellations.

In the end, there are so many Astrologers out there, so many different Astrology reports but there’s only one Karina. It does give me a sense of hope when I can share my joy and sorrow with you – so we can learn from each other and feel less alone.



As you already know, a Full Moon occurs astronomically when Sun and Moon are in opposition so that the rays of the sun illuminate the wholeness of our beautiful Moon.

Astrologically speaking, it’s a time of culmination. It’s a time when something wants to be born that we’ve been pregnant with for the last 2 weeks. A process that finds its maximum.

It makes sense to think back to the last 2 weeks on a Full Moon and see which theme in your life finds a closing. Full Moons are times of letting go.

And I’m not talking about cheap, spiritually bypassing letting go, such as „Ah, just drop it“. No, I mean „letting go“ in the sense of connecting to a deep internal process and asking our vulnerable hearts what it needs for you to surrender to this culmination.

For some it might be releasing anger, for others it will be grief and some of you might just want to have a drink for now – and that’s fine too.     



Today’s Full Moon is happening astrologically in the sign of Cancer. The archetype of Cancer comes into the zodiac as the first water archetype.

After our cosmic energy is born (Aries), and we develop a body (Taurus) and a mind (Gemini), the ego is formed and with it our emotional self (Cancer). 

The ego is here understood as a very important vehicle to live the desires of the soul and by that, grow in consciousness. I don't deem the ego as bad, for me it's something precious we can use for individual and collective growth. 

So Cancer is about emotion. No wonder that it has a bad reputation for being the cry-baby in the zodiac.

All my Cancer friends who will raise an eyebrow reading this, know that crying is actually a true medicine – completely misunderstood by society.

Honestly, I personally don’t know where I would be standing as a human being, if I wouldn’t have all the rivers of tears to process.

The Cancer archetype is also the mother of the zodiac. That explains its cardinal quality. Although Cancer – like the actual crab – will retreat into their shell when they don’t feel comfortable, once they’ve taken you into their heart, they will do anything to make you feel at home – from warm hugs, to cooking a hearty meal or listening compassionately.



Every zodiac sign has its own love language and Cancer’s love language is compassion, empathy, food, sensuality and comfort – receiving and giving.  

Cancer feels all the feels. And here comes the challenge.

It’s not easy to live with an extended ability to feel – because the world we live in is wired in a way that wants us to distract from our feelings constantly (phone, alcohol, shopping, food, gaming, and so much more).

I am not saying that any of those things are bad, they're soothing – I get it. I know that from my own experience. But it can also make us avoid feeling the feels inside our hearts so they get suppressed and well, we know what happens with suppressed emotions.



I am writing this newsletter on Christmas Day, well aware that Christmas can be a heavy time for many of us.

How sweet that we get this Cancer Full Moon on the second day of Christmas, inviting us to reflect rather than react.

After all, Cancer is also the archetype of our roots, our home, our family and our tribe.

What I see happening around Christmas a lot is a way of „let’s just be in peace no matter what“. It’s as if we just want to quiet down the storms we have in our families – or in life in general – and create a sense of peace – often artificially. 

Unfortunately, that's not how the human psyche works. Rather than creating a fake peace, we can practice feeling truly at peace with what is inside of us – all the rage, anger, sorrow, grief, or joy. 

That's true emotional maturity – and the biggest challenge for Cancer. Coming to peace with the emotions that are present in the current moment rather than wanting it to be different.

For the ones of you, who spend time with your family at the end of the year: What if we allow ourselves to be with our emotions this time, even if that means we’ll have uncomfortable conversations or be more distant rather than giving passive-aggressive answers (big Cancer shadow here!).

For you who spend time in solitude: Feel the relief of being alone. Or the longing to be with people. Or the grief that comes with being by yourself. And reach out, maybe there’s a way to share it with at least one person from your circle? And if there isn’t, you can answer this newsletter and share it with me.



Cancer’s gift is an extended sensitivity towards the world. People with lots of Cancer energy can wrap you into an invisible warm coat feeling loved, heard and valued. Because they feel what others feel deeply. 

It’s the friends that cry when they feel touched by movies and their eyes are filled with tears when you tell them about your hardships in life. 

But as we know, living in a world of duality, there’s always a flip side. And I think that’s the message this Full Moon in Cancer has for us: How can we protect our sensitivity so that we don’t fall neither into pleasing nor into numbing? That’s a very fine line, I can tell you.

Staying close to your body helps to understand the clues it gives you. It’s about finding an environment that doesn’t overstimulate you. It’s about having grounded people around you that don’t dump their shit onto you. It's about owning our emotions rather than projecting them onto others. And more important, it’s about trusting ourselves when we get messages from our intuition.

And maybe that's what Cancer's polarity Capricorn can teach us: Staying in integrity and taking responsibility for our emotions.



The questions that this sensitive Full Moon would ask you are:

  • Can you consciously witness when you please others to prevent discomfort or disharmony?

  • When do you become passive-aggressive because you neglect your own boundaries and don’t communicate true to your needs?

  • Do you allow yourself enough space to process and witness your emotions?

  • Are you aware of your coping mechanisms such as scrolling on your phone, eating, drinking, drugs or social distraction?

  • What could you do today to honor your emotions, perceptions and feelings a bit more than usual at the end of this year?


This phase of the Moon occurs at 4 degrees and 58 minutes of Cancer, opposite the Sun at the same degree of Capricorn, affecting people with personal planets and points at approximately 1 to 9 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). 

It harmonizes with Jupiter (the planet of expansion) and Saturn (the planet of restriction) – it’s in harmony with the force that expands and the one that contracts.

As I am writing this, it becomes clear to me: Those aspects remind us that we can only dive into deep empathy when we feel our boundaries at the same time. When we don't lose ourselves in the compassion of another. By just being aware and letting our hearts be open. 

Jupiter makes the Moon want to feel connected, to empathize and to feel at home with the tribe it has chosen

Saturn on the contrary, asks the Moon to take responsibility for our emotions. To not fall into the trap of passive aggressiveness but to know our own limits and to draw our boundaries sharply to protect them. 



Normally, the end of the year gets busy and we all get caught up in stress. Stress leaves no space for emotions. 

This Cancer Full Moon asks us to slow down. After all, Cancer is a Yin sign. It asks for introspection to close the year. To dive within rather than reach outside.

To reflect on the past year and how we would like to grow emotionally as a human being in a world that’s mostly disconnected from feeling. How we can take responsibility for our emotions rather than losing ourselves in the ocean of them. 

It feels almost that the Full Moon is whispering to us from the heavens: “The moment to form a deep connection to your emotional body is not in the new year, it's happening right now.”

A big warm Cancer hug,


*GIF Source: GIPHY.com


11.01.24: New Moon in Capricorn


12.12.23: New Moon in Sagittarius