22.06.24: Full Moon in Capricorn

“Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

― Reinhold Niebuhr

Hello, dear One,

This Full Moon feels very precious for many reasons. Firstly, it's right at the beginning of Cancer season which always has been an archetype very dear to my heart. 

Second, that's rather personal, but it falls on my birthday. 

Third, it's right around summer solstice, when the Sun enters Cancer, known as the longest day of the year, meaning: the day with the most sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere. I always felt kind of proud that my mother gave birth around that day and it always has given me a sense of faith. 

As you see, this Full Moon is not just any Full Moon but comes with many different cosmic charges. 

If you're experiencing some sense of ending, big process, or heavy emotions, fasten your seat belt – that's definitely mirrored in the cosmos these days. 


We're awaiting a Full Moon at 1 degree and 7 minutes of Capricorn this Thursday, 22nd of June at 3:08 Berlin time. If you have planets at around 0 to 5 degrees of the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn and 27 to 30 degrees of the Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, you might feel its effect more strong than others.

As you've probably learned by now, Full Moons happen when the Sun and Moon are in opposition and the Moon gets a spotlight from the Sun, shining back its light to us on Earth.

In Western Astrology, these cosmic times are interpreted as a culmination of a cycle, the Moon is pregnant so to speak. It had a growing cycle and now reached its “fullest moment”. 

It's a moment in time that invites us to reflect on our past two weeks, on an emotional process (don't forget that the Moon stands for emotions in Western Astrology) that has been ongoing and on the ripest fruit that this process has borne. 


This Full Moon happens in the archetype of Capricorn which stands for our goal in life, our integrity, and the growth path. 

The opposition of Capricorn is Cancer which stands for roots, family, and lots of feelings. 

You probably remember me saying that it makes sense to interpret the lunar phases with the Sun's placement in mind. So while the Moon currently resides pregnant in Capricorn, the Sun just stepped into Cancer.

The earth in Capricorn is solid, steady, and grounded while the waters in Cancer are deep and ever-flowing. 

When interpreting the cosmic energies, we need to have a look at both sides of the axis and find our own place in it. The sweet spot in-between. 

While Cancer, often known as the crybaby in the zodiac, is the first water sign in who is bringing all the emotional charge into the wheel, Capricorn is quite the opposite.  

The mountain goat is mostly detached from feelings because she knows that feelings won't necessarily help her achieve her goal and bring her potential into the world. And while often misunderstood as cold and heartless, I think with this Full Moon I am starting to understand that Capricorn isn't that superficial but rather in integrity with herself. She doesn't let herself be flooded away by her feelings. 

She probably knows when it's time to cry and when it's time to roll up her sleeves and keep going because she can't change the status quo. And isn't that a superpower, I am wondering currently.  


While the shadow of Cancer is over-caring for others and taking on emotional responsibility for the clan, Capricorn brings back into perspective that it's not only about the family but that our roots should ideally help to bring our abilities into the world and through this, form a healthier society. 

If there's one thing that Capricorn teaches is that nothing is more important than our integrity. We're out of integrity if we bear the emotional responsibility for someone else (although Capricorn could hold the responsibility for the whole world probably). But that's not the point.  

The point is to focus on what we want to bring into the world. To focus on our own path with honesty and integrity and do it no matter what. And to focus on what we CAN change and know what's in our power and what isn't. And to let go of that. 

The mountain goat you see on the meme probably doesn't know the way but it's dedicated to its own path. And it won't give up. 

Of course, in the shadow, Capricorn can become too judgemental with others and a bit cold-hearted because it refuses to feel. 

If we keep both archetypes close to our hearts and find the sweet spot in the middle, we get to understand that only taking care of ourselves nourishing our needs, and setting energetic boundaries, can help us to grow big into the world and share our wisdom from a rooted place of Earth. 


This Full Moon forms a square with Neptune, the planet of illusion, dreams, compassion, addiction, and a connection to the divine. Isn't it funny that both addiction and the longing for the divine live within one archetype? 

This is a tricky one since the Moon in Capricorn would rather have a structure and Neptune flows freely. But maybe, within a solid frame, our hearts can feel the permission to become more soft. 

I think the Neptune aspect is like a softener. It reminds the Moon that feeling can't be avoided and that the world of the unconscious is ever-present. 

When it could speak, it would say: “My dear Moon, why so serious? I love the way you hold things together, but do you think within our earthy frame, we can dive into the unconscious? We can long for the divine?” 

Dreams might be ever-present under this Full Moon. I just want to remind you of the importance of dreams, according to C. G. Jung: 

"In analyzing thousands of dreams in his many decades of practice, Jung identified multiple dream functions. Dreams provide information and education; they help to diagnose conditions and foster healing; they problem-solve and protect us; they can help us plan for the future, and, most of all, they can restore and maintain psychic balance, thanks to their compensatory nature.

As a psychotherapist, Jung used dreams “as a first-class source of information, “first-class” because they present us with “unfalsified material” and go beyond what our ego mind can figure out, because “they are invariably seeking to express something that the ego does not know and does not understand.” Dreams can also help the conscious mind “relearn the forgotten language of the instincts,” since the psyche remains in touch with our instinctual nature." (from: jungiancenter.org). 


If the Full Moon would have a voice, it would ask the following questions from the heavens:

  • Where do you bear too much responsibility on your shoulders?

  • Where do you take on the emotional charge of others?

  • In what situations do you abandon yourself and leave your body, being in the energy of the other person?

  • Where do you compromise your integrity?

  • What are your dreams currently saying about your inner state?


Writing this love letter, I think I realized the message on an even deeper level: Capricorn can teach us to stand in the light of our integrity rather than go down with the pain of feeling.

It reminds us that only from a grounded place of boundaries and structure, we can root high into the world, helping others – and forming a healthy society. 

Or, let me say it with J.K. Rowling's words: 

“I DON'T CARE!" Harry yelled at them, snatching up a lunascope and throwing it into the fireplace. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH, I'VE SEEN ENOUGH, I WANT OUT, I WANT IT TO END, I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!" "You do care," said Dumbledore. He had not flinched or made a single move to stop Harry demolishing his office. His expression was calm, almost detached. "You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.” (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix).

With lots of love,



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05.07.24: New Moon in Cancer


06.06.24: New Moon in Gemini