21.07.24: Full Moon in Capricorn

"No one should deny the danger of the descent, but it can be risked. No one need risk it, but it is certain that someone will. And let those who go down the sunset way do so with open eyes, for it is a sacrifice which daunts even the gods. Yet every descent is followed by an ascent; the vanishing shapes are shaped anew, and a truth is valid in the end only if it suffers change and bears new witness in new images, in new tongues, like a new wine that is put into new bottles."

- C. G. Jung

Hello, dear One,

I'm writing this love letter looking out into the jungle. Finally being back in Mexico which feels like my natural habitat at this moment of my life.  

It feels like the emotional storm is over and I'd like to thank all of you who have read my last letters that felt truly therapeutic – first and foremost for myself. Thanks to each and every one of you who took minutes to write some words of encouragement and special thanks to all the hearts that allowed to be touched by my words.  

I thought I'd collapse once I am back here but interestingly enough, I feel well and grounded – in a place that couldn't have more water. 

But, it suits the theme of this Capricorn Full Moon which seems to be about the connection to our inner earth, our integrity. Let's dive right into it. 


Have you actually ever wondered why I am writing Moon Love Letters? Why not Venus Love Letters? Or Mars? Or Mercury? Or Saturn? Why is it the Moon that we give so much importance to? 

Because the Moon represents our Unconscious in Western Astrology. It's the shadow that dwells under the surface of the conscious mind. 

Almost the whole day, we're operating from our waking mind. We speak, we think and we act from it. But is that really the interesting stuff I am wondering? 

The more I work with the archetypes and my own therapeutic path, the more I realize that the real juice comes from the Unconscious. It's in our dreams, it's our instinctual reactions, our imprinted old patterns, and things that we can't really explain with words. 

The Moon has no light, we can only see it because the Sun shines its light onto it. Mark Jones, a wonderful Evolutionary Astrologer and therapist once said: 

“It's time for us to reintegrate solar and lunar to attain balance. I suggest that we liberate psychotherapy from the purely cognitive approach and realign it, using astrology, with the lunar experience of the psyche. In doing so we'll create a truly holistic approach and a richer engagement with the process.”

The solar approach, that's our conscious mind. The lunar is our unconscious mind that we can access through different techniques.  

So I guess, we're more focused on the Moon in this love letter because we know that only through discovering the shadow, we'll be able to grow and expand in consciousness. 


On Sunday, the 21st of July, we'll have a Full Moon in Capricorn. As you know by now, Full Moons are times when a process finds its culmination, we've arrived at the highest point of our pregnancy with a certain topic and it's time to reflect on the journey. 

This one seems to be a very special Full Moon because of many reasons. First of all, on most years, we just get one Full Moon in each zodiac sign, but in 2024 we've had two Full Moons in Capricorn (the last one on June 21st). So there seems to be a big emphasis on this archetype. 

Second, this Full Moon happens at 29 degrees which is known to be a very critical degree in Astrology because it's the last degree of a sign. So the question is: What finds its culmination these days? What process have you done since the 21st of June? And what bigger process since 2008 (this is when Pluto moved into Capricorn where it's now conjunct with the Moon). 


Pluto, the planet of destruction and transformation, is conjunct (very close by) with the Moon on this Full Moon in Capricorn.

When planets “hang out” together, their energies blend and they influence each other. 

When the Moon represents our Unconscious, our feelings, and our feminine quality, then Pluto adds a layer of underworld to it. Yes, big times ahead. 

Whatever Pluto touches, is being asked to dive deeper and transform – but not just one layer, rather many of them until we've arrived in the cellar of our shadows, our unconsciousness, standing there bare naked. 

When Pluto is in the game, we have to dig and make our hands dirty. And Pluto has no mercy, it will take away whatever doesn't seem to be in integrity with our path – unless we do it ourselves. What do you prefer?  


Capricorn has a pretty bad reputation unfortunately but only because the archetype isn't understood in its deepest layers. As so often, we only scratch at the surface and talk about the hard-working goat but below that, there's a whole world that opens up. 

Capricorn's deepest meaning, metaphysically speaking, is the law of cause and effect. As the opposition to Cancer (emotion) Capricorn speaks about the maturation process. Governed by Saturn, the lord of time, in Capricorn we get to understand that our time on Earth is limited so we start to wonder what to do with this time. There is also an awareness of death that comes in in Capricorn. 

As we form our first Saturn Square (around 7 years old), we get the realization that we're not limitless and neither is life. As we mature into our 28-30, Saturn reaches its own Return, the famous “Saturn Return” that hits us like a truck and makes us realize that we've arrived at maturity. It reminds us that we need to take control of our lives and we have a responsibility to integrate our karmic issues, that's why he's called the Lord of Karma too. 

To be able to integrate the Saturn principle, we need to walk our path with integrity. But how can we learn about integrity if we haven't learned how to deal with our Unconscious (Cancer) or our emotions (Cancer).  


To know what integrity means to us, we need to arrive at a point of understanding our worth (trine to Taurus) and carefully examining what our bodily response and wisdom are (trine to Virgo).

Integrity is a buzzword but what does it really mean? Like the mountain goat that takes one step ahead of another, being in integrity is a process and a life path rather than a moment or event. 

When we want to live with integrity, we need to learn how to listen to our bodies to distinguish a “yes” from a “no". We need to know what we're worthy of to not settle for less and we need to know how to hold the intensity as much as the joy – that's what makes us feel in integrity.  

When we've held our darkest times, we won't be afraid of saying “no” to something but trust that whatever is being taken from us by life, didn't serve us anymore. 

And, we'll know when it's a full body “YES” so that we can harvest the success.  


You've probably read about the big conjunction of Mars (our willpower, the warrior) and Uranus (the disruptor). Lots of potent energy out there that could be expressed as unintegrated aggression if we haven't dealt with it – we have seen many examples of it mirrored in the world lately.  

Now this power team in Taurus makes a trine to the Full Moon and Pluto hanging out in Capricorn, giving it even more uniqueness (Uranus) and life force (Mars). 

Meaning: Now is a good time for big shifts. The universe is in a potent “let's- change-things"-mood which often can feel like getting constantly slapped. 

But remember: Pluto only takes away what doesn't serve your life purpose anymore. 

This is a good time to dive into your personal underworld and ask yourself:

  • What do I bypass to not feel pain?

  • Where do I shy away from because it's scary?

  • What patterns come up again and again while I blame others?

  • What could I admit today that I've been trying to push under the rug?

  • How do I deal with the uncomfortable stuff that life brings up?

  • Am I taking the big chances life's offering me?


We can not be integrity at all times. We're human and we live in a world of duality. But, we can aim at being in integrity with ourselves and our values at all times. We can intend to not abandon ourselves so that another feels better. Or to throw our needs into the trash, just because we're afraid that we won't be lovable if we don't. 

We can check in with our body before saying “yes” and “no”. We can pause, take a deep breath, and then give an answer. 

We can trust that whenever something is being taken away, something bigger and better is waiting for us. And still, we can allow ourselves to feel the hurt, the pain, and the grief and let it flow through us knowing: it won't be forever. That would be integrated with Capricorn's wisdom.

A big door is opening these days and the question is: Will you go through it or will you let fear drive the ship? It's up to you. 

With love,


** header graphic from GIPHY.com


04.08.24: New Moon in Leo


05.07.24: New Moon in Cancer