28.09.23: Full Moon in Aries

In the beginning, there was the question
That started all of the creation
The question that Spirit itself asked
The question that opened Spirit up
To new reality and potentials
The singular question
That created all of the souled beings
Who am I?

– from the song "Story of Creation" by Estas Tonne & Tobias

Aries… – what a truly dramatic moment in the zodiac. Whenever I think about Aries, I think about the smell that occurs shortly before spring starts. The smell that puts butterflies into my stomach, that smell that makes me feel being in love – without having a crush.   

A smell that signals: Something big is about to begin.

And let me tell you something, folks, this Aries Full Moon is significant: 

1. It's our last Full Moon before the solar and lunar eclipse in October.

2. The Aries-Libra axis will follow us for the next set of eclipses upcoming year.

Meaning: This Full Moon can help us to get familiar with the energy of Aries and it's polarity Libra because it's something that will be present in the cosmos for quite a while. And it's a collective topic we need to look at.  

But let's start easy – step by step. 

This Full Moon in Aries occurs on Friday, September 29, 2023, at 5:57 AM EDT.


Let's remember: Astronomically speaking, Full Moons occur when Sun and Moon are in opposition. So today, we find the Moon in Aries illuminated by the Sun in Libra. 

Astrologically speaking, it's a time to reflect on the life cycles we've passed. We're invited to sit with the process.   

If we think back to March 2023, we had an Aries New Moon at the equinoxand an Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse in April. 

We may be completing a cycle here that has to do with the energy of powerful warrior Aries.   

The general questions to ask yourself today are:

  • What was my last lunar cycle about that started with the New Moon in Virgo on Sep, 14th?

  • Which bigger intention or theme finds its completion that I've set around March 2023?

  • What are you proud of looking back at those timelines? 


In the archetypal zodiac, Aries marks the beginning point. The cosmic fire is born from the womb of Pisces.  

Where just a second ago everything was one big ocean, an outburst of fire is born. Spirit manifesting itself into matter to find an answer to the burning question of “Who am I?”.

His horns still wet from the womb of Pisces, melancholically, he looks back and feels where he comes from, the paradise state of oneness and unity. But already, the veil has been implemented so that he can only sense but not see his promising past. 

What he does see though is his future full of shining possibilities. An endless realm of experiences and possibilities to be lived – by him.

Juggling this paradox, he makes his way to explore the answer to the one question that leads his courageous path: “Who am I?”. 


Let's just for a second sink into the mood of endless possibilities. How does it feel to have a future wide open and be the creator of it all? 

Let's be honest. We do live in a society that restricts our being in thinking this way. Very often, we live in cages that we have constructed for ourselves that leave very little possibility for new beginnings and opportunities to do things differently

In conventional Astrology Aries is often associated with words such as “fierce”, “driven” or “courageous”. But connecting deeply to the archetypes means understanding WHY those words are associated with Aries rather than just learning them by heart.

Let's not forget that Aries is a fire sign with a cardinal and yang quality that is ruled by the cosmic warrior Mars.  

Aries has come to this earthy dimension to live up to his free will – and nothing less. He aims to experience anything that comes to his mind and heart – even if that means he needs to bang his head against the wall and disappointothers.  

And that's the medicine he brings. Very often, to be chosen by another and maintain a healthy connection (Libra) we need to be willing to choose ourselves (Aries). 

Very courageously, this Full Moon in Aries suggests to think about:

  • Having that difficult conversation you've been postponing to maintain balance.

  • Advancing with the project that you've been putting aside because it doesn't look well or bring in money.

  • Finally making time and space for your personal needs. 


There's a shadow spectrum of Aries that's mostly associated with anger, aggression, and impatience. He falls into that trap when he forgets about the fact that he does live in a world with others and that isn't only his free will that counts on Earth. 

There are certain traditions – of spiritual and psychological nature – that deem anger and aggression as “dark”, “unhealthy” and “bad”. 

I used to think, I was not angry until I opened the box of Anger-Pandorra and it almost blew my mind, literally. 

What we often forget is that anger per se isn't destructive – quite the oppositeactually. 

Feeling anger consciously is healthy and in its purest form, it also signifies setting boundaries. 

The problem is for sure that many of us only experienced a destructive side of anger and because of that, deemed it outside of our experience. 


If we look at the hierarchy of the nervous system, when we're under threat (f.e. when a big bear appears in front of us) our primary goal is to confront it or to run away, which is our fight-flight mechanism regulated by our sympathetic nervous system

When fighting or running away is not possible or pointless, then we go into what's called a “freeze response” which is regulated by our parasympathetic nervous system.  

The point I want to make here is that if we feel a lack of life energy, we may be stuck in a freeze response. 

Speaking of the hierarchy of the nervous system, from freeze, we need to make our way up into fight or flight to then go into a regulated state which is often called “the window of tolerance”. That's what Aries is here for. 

Meaning: Activating our anger and allowing ourselves to feel instead of being numb, can save our lives – not only when facing a bear.   


Under this Full Moon in Aries especially, this can be done by movement, quick-paced sports, or shaking. 

I am happy to include a shaking meditation at the end of this newsletter so you can bring your life force home. Shaking is known to be one of the best practices to drop back into our bodies and feel our aliveness.  

What Aries can teach us is that anger and aggression (dealt with consciously) can activate our life energy and give us back our thirst for life.  

With this connotation, the Full Moon in Aries asks the following questions:

  • Is your definition of anger solely destructive? If so, can you define a productive meaning of anger for yourself?  

  • Where have you been suppressing your anger for the sake of peace? 

  • With whom did you avoid setting a necessary boundary because you were afraid to lose them?

  • Where have you betrayed yourself to be in felt connection?

This Full Moon in Aries occurs at 6 degrees and 0 minutes of Aries, so people born with natal placements at approximately 2 to 10 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) might feel it most strongly.


Fire means passion but under this Full Moon, we might feel even more emotional than usual because it leads us into eclipse season. 

Also, we've just passed the fall equinox which leads us to the energy of hibernation and deeper introspection.  

More on eclipses in my next love letter but generally speaking, eclipses are known to bring a transformational charge that forces us to look within and focus on our inner world. 

The Aries-Libra dynamic is going to guide the eclipse cycles in 2024 so this is the last regular Aries Full Moon we experience until 2025.  

Keep in mind what's going on now in your life if you would like to come back to it in the eclipse season in 2024 and review your process. 


If there's one thing that I'd like you to remember from this love letter it's the following Aries wisdom: It's time to choose yourself – on every level in your life.  

Aries doesn't go for compromises, he is driven by the experiences that bring him closer to himself. 

Choosing ourselves will not only change our perception of ourselves, but it will bring us closer to really understanding who we are – and eventually loving ourselves. And isn't that the best foundation to be loved by others?  

Or –… let me say it in Eric Clapton's words (a famous Aries Sun): 

“I think everybody has their own way of looking at their lives as some kind of pilgrimage. Some people will see their role as a pilgrim in terms of setting up a fine family, or establishing a business inheritance. Everyone's got their own definition. Mine, I suppose, is to know myself.” 

With love,


*Marvel Cinematic Universe Fire GIF By Leroy Patterson from GIPHY.com


14.10.23: Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra


14.09.23: New Moon in Virgo